Since I started listening to his Bible Answer Man podcasts in October 2011, I've become a real fan of Hank Hanegraaff. He's obviously spent a lot of time studying Scripture, and he strives to share his views respectfully with those who may disagree with him. He holds some less common views, and through his books and podcasts he explains why he believes them. Even those times that I disagree with Hank, I admire the way he handles Scripture and himself. Would that all who bear the name of Christ treated those they disagree with so compassionately!
The biggest issue I have is that Hank uses quite a few words that the average person may not be familiar with, talking about God's imprimatur in creation, for instance. These terms are generally quite accurate and Hank uses them precisely, but they are not always meaningful to the average listener. The goal of this blog is to unpack those words and help you better understand them so you can mine more from his broadcasts.
So, this will be like a dictionary of theology?
ReplyDeleteTo some extent it will be a dictionary of theology, but it will be limited to words and phrases from Bible Answer Man broadcasts. I realize that a lot of listeners are not college graduates and thus may find some of the term foreign. I hope this blog will help them translate these concepts into words they do understand.